Scam Broker Review


Is legit or scam? A common question from investors.

In the realm of cryptocurrency trading, transparency and trust are paramount.

DetectingScams, renowned for its relentless pursuit of reporting crypto scams, has turned its attention to, a purported cryptocurrency exchange. In a meticulous investigation, DetectingScams delves into the intricacies of‘s operations, uncovering a web of deception and raising serious concerns about its reliability.

Website Evaluation and Regulatory Status

DetectingScams‘s assessment of begins with a scrutiny of its website and regulatory status. While presents itself as a cryptocurrency exchange platform, boasting advanced trading features and promising return, DetectingScams‘s analysis reveals significant discrepancies, reporting it as a suspicious website. The platform’s unregulated status and lack of clear regulatory approvals raise red flags, signaling potential risks for investors.

Website: A Closer Look

Central to DetectingScams‘s investigation is a thorough examination of’s business model and operational history. Despite claims of offering a range of services to traders and investors,’s background remains shrouded in mystery. Information about the company’s headquarters and managing director is conspicuously absent, casting doubt on its legitimacy.

Red Flags and Warning Signs

DetectingScams’s findings highlight several troubling indicators that point to the possibility of being a Ponzi scheme in disguise. The platform’s business plan, coupled with the involvement of promoters with a history of Ponzi schemes, fuels suspicion about its true intentions. Additionally, the platform’s operational history is marred by inconsistencies and changes, further undermining its credibility.

User Reviews and Regulatory Ambiguity

User feedback plays a crucial role in DetectingScams‘s assessment of’s reliability. Negative reviews and complaints detailing difficulties in withdrawing funds and unresponsive customer support paint a damning picture of the platform’s services. Moreover,’s regulatory ambiguity adds another layer of concern, as the absence of clear regulatory oversight leaves users vulnerable to potential risks and malpractice.

Is legit or a scam?

DetectingScams Investigations does not suggest that investors deal with this broker, since your cash may not be secure.

The review is unfavorable. Instead, seek for authorized and respected brokers that can help you develop your money.

When looking for brokers to trade with, the first and most crucial step is to discover about their certification(s). This will inform you if
is governed by a central authority or is an offshore and/or uncontrolled company.

When a broker is unregulated or regulated by an institution outside your country, you have little to no legal remedy if your money are compromised. In the case of theft, complaints may only be filed if the broker is regulated by the regulator in your country.

Some instances of regulatory agencies issuing brokerage licenses are:

    • The Financial Services and Markets Authority (FSMA)

    • Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission (CySEC)

    • The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA

    • The Australian Securities and Investment Commission (ASIC)

If a broker is not licensed by the regulatory authorities in your region, they are likely unregulated and should be avoided. Even if the brokerage is regulated, avoid it if the regulator does not operate in your country.

Have you been scammed by

If you have lost money with, do not be worried. You are not the first and unlikely to be the last. Mistakes may happen to even the most attentive investors, and they should be seen as learning experiences.

The good news is that there is expert aid available.

If you or someone you know has been swindled by, please contact us immediately to submit a complaint.

The chainalysis experts affiliated with detectingscams, a professional organization committed to assisting customers in recovering monies stolen online, is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week and has helped investors all over the world regain millions of dollars.

A payment chargeback is the retroactive cancellation and return of a charge made using your credit card, wire transfer, or another payment method.

Victims of online fraud can increase their chances of recovering part or all of their lost assets by developing a persuasive chargeback plan from start to finish.


Conclusion: Exercise Caution

In light of DetectingScams‘s investigation, caution is paramount when considering engagement with The platform’s lack of transparency, regulatory ambiguity, and negative user feedback raise significant doubts about its reliability and legitimacy. Investors are urged to report scam crypto exchange platforms like

For those who have fallen victim to fraudulent activities, such as the ones potentially associated with, DetectingScams offers a resource for reporting scams and seeking assistance. Our dedicated team provides free consultations to evaluate cases and explore potential avenues for recovering funds, offering support and guidance to those affected.